Student democracy
Student councils
The student councils (SCs) are the student body at the individual study locations and mainly deal with local issues. The student council is the natural point of contact for classes/groups and is therefore responsible for initiating work on issues and challenges reported by individual students. The SC consists of one representative of each class. The SC chooses its own chair and the rest of its board. The board prepares issues and has contact with the administration, academic management, student parliament and other student organisations.
The student parliament
The student parliament (SP) deals with issues that relate to students at all NLA University College's study locations. The SP works to ensure that you as a student have the best possible educational offer and learning environment. The Student Parliament looks after the students' interests at NLA, and have the right to speak on behalf of all students. The Student Parliament has representatives in all the important councils and committees at NLA University College, also in external councils and committees such as the Norwegian Student Organization.
If you have any questions or are curious about what we in the student parliament are working on, just contact us:
Instagram: sp_nla
Facebook: Studentparlamentet ved NLA Høgskolen
E-mail: studparl@spnla.no