Examination offences and plagiarism

Examination offences and attempts at such are breaches of trust in relation to fellow students and NLA, and are subject to strict sanctions.

When you submit written work, you must distinguish clearly between your own formulations and those of others. Ensure that what you write is not too similar to other people’s work. If you present material and formulations that are not your own without sufficient paraphrasing and/or referencing, this may be regarded as an examination offence (plagiarism).

What can be regarded as an examination offence.

The library can help you to cite sources correctly.

What happens if there is suspicion of an examination offence and plagiarism?

If NLA University College suspects plagiarism or other kinds of examination offences in connection with tests or exams, it is required to investigate this before the case is submitted for further processing, if necessary, by NLA’s appeals committee. 

If the Office of the Registrar is informed of the suspicion, and there is basis for investigating this, the student will be invited to attend a meeting. During the meeting, at least two people from NLA will be present. Minutes of the meeting will be taken and sent to the student. You are not obliged to be present or to say anything.

If the head of student administration finds reason to pursue the case, a written recommendation will be submitted to the appeals committee for its decision. It is the department head, in consultation with the head of student administration, who decides whether a case should be pursued, but it is NLA’s appeals committee that handles the case.

In cases of a less serious nature, the only sanction may be the annulment of the submitted answer paper. In particularly serious cases, you may be excluded from all higher education in Norway for two semesters. You can appeal decisions of NLA’s appeals committee to the Joint Appeals Committee.  

NLA’s appeals committee

See supplementary information about NLA’s appeals committee here: NLA’s appeals committee


NLA’s Student Ombudsperson

See information about NLA’s Student Ombudsperson here: NLA University College Student Ombudsperson