Grading scale and exam results

You will find your exam results on Studentweb, under ‘Access > Results’.
Results will normally be available three weeks after the exam.

Grade transcript

Current and former students (students after 1999) can order a grade transcript in Studentweb. You either log in via Feide or with your 11-digit national identity number and a PIN code. If you have forgotten your PIN code, Studentweb can send this to the email address we have registered for you. You must update the email address in Studentweb yourself so that you are certain that the transcript is sent to the correct address.

Grading scale

Students at NLA University College are assessed in accordance with a grading scale where A to E represent a pass, and F represents a fail. In addition, Pass/Fail or Approved/Not approved are sometimes used. The grading scale and the assessment criteria are devised by Universities Norway and apply to all higher education in Norway, although some disciplines have supplementary grading criteria.

Grading criteria

The grading scale and assessment criteria are devised by Universities Norway



General qualitative description of evaluation criteria



An excellent performance, clearly outstanding. The candidate demonstrates excellent judgement and a very high degree of independent thinking.


Very good

A very good performance. The candidate demonstrates sound judgement and a high degree of independent thinking.



A good performance in most areas. The candidate demonstrates a reasonable degree of judgement and independent thinking in the most important areas.



A satisfactory performance, but with significant shortcomings. The candidate demonstrates a limited degree of judgement and independent thinking.



A performance that meets the minimum criteria but no more. The candidate demonstrates a very limited degree of judgement and independent thinking.



A performance that does not meet the minimum academic criteria. The candidate demonstrates an absence of both judgement and independent thinking.

Qualitative description of evaluation criteria for teacher education



Qualitative description of evaluation criteria for teacher education



Has excellent knowledge and an extremely good ability to apply knowledge independently, critically and creatively. Shows an exceptional understanding of the academic and didactic content of the subject, a high level of reflection in relation to the learning objectives, the distinctive character of the subject and the teacher’s role in relation to how children and adolescents learn and develop.


Very good

Has very good knowledge and a good ability to apply knowledge independently, critically and creatively. Shows a very good understanding of the academic and didactic content of the subject, and a very good ability to reflect on the learning objectives, the distinctive character of the subject and the teacher’s role in relation to how children and adolescents learn and develop.  



Has good knowledge and a good ability to apply knowledge independently. Shows a good ability to reflect on the learning objectives, the distinctive character of the subject and the teacher’s role in relation to how children and adolescents learn and develop.



Has limited knowledge and some ability to apply knowledge independently. Shows some ability to reflect on the learning objectives, the distinctive character of the subject and the teacher’s role in relation to how children and adolescents learn and develop.



Meets the minimum requirements for knowledge, but applies knowledge less independently. Low level of reflection in relation to the learning objectives, the distinctive character of the subject and the teacher’s role in relation to how children and adolescents learn and develop.



Insufficient knowledge of the learning objectives, the distinctive character of the subject and the teacher’s role in relation to how children and adolescents learn and develop. Shows little insight into the coherence of the academic content, and little or no ability to apply knowledge in an independent manner.




Has demonstrated a level of knowledge/skills that meets the requirements for practising as a teacher in all five competence areas (academic, didactic, social, professional ethics, change and development).


Has a level of knowledge/skills in at least one of the five competence areas (academic, didactic, social, professional ethics, change and development) that is lower than what is required to practise as a teacher.