Procedures for submitting master’s theses at NLA University College

The student:

  • The deadlines for submitting a master’s thesis are 15 February and 15 May in the spring semester, and 15 September and 15 November in the autumn 15 May and 15 November are referred to as standard submission dates, while 15 February and 15 September are early submission dates.
  • The student must register in Studentweb for assessment in the master’s course no later than the semester registration deadlines of 1 February and 1 September. Early or standard submission must also be selected during this registration process.
  • If the student no longer intends to submit a thesis, he/she must withdraw from the course assessment no later than 14 days before the deadline. This is done via Studentweb.
  • If a student remains registered after the withdrawal deadline but does not submit a thesis, he/she will forfeit one of three attempts to be assessed on the course.
  • The student submits the thesis via
  • The student is responsible for entering the title of the thesis in the designated field in Studentweb as it will appear on their diploma.

The department

  • The head of department/the person to whom the head of department has delegated the task will receive a list from the study administration after the withdrawal deadline of students that are registered for thesis submission.
  • The supervisor is responsible for clarifying with the head of the department who the examiners will be for each thesis.

The study administration

  • The study administration is responsible for informing the students of the practical aspects of submission, marking and publication of the The students will receive an agreement for publication in Brage and may sign and submit this to the study administration after the marking, if they would like to publish the thesis.
  • The study administration administers the registration and
  • The study administration sends the examiners a formal request, makes an agreement with them and sends the necessary documentation.
  • When a thesis has been submitted, the study administration forwards it electronically to the supervisor and examiners.

The library/future use of the thesis in teaching

  • From 1 January 2021 physical copies of master’s theses will no longer be printed for the library at NLA University College or for the student.
  • If the thesis is marked C or better, and the student consents to publishing, it will be published electronically in Brage.
  • If the thesis is not published in Brage, a special agreement must be made with the student for the use of the thesis in A separate agreement is also required where the thesis is to be made accessible to students through channels other than Brage, e.g. printed format or posted in Canvas, see the Norwegian Copyright Act.

Applicable from 1 October 2023.
Approved by the Head of Study Administration 22.09.2023 Ingunn Hauan Aagenæs
Authorised by the Director of Student Administration Marit Offerdal

Submission of master theses for the Primary and Lower Secondary Teacher Education programmes will have separate procedures.