Individual examination arrangements

You’ll have the right to an examination arrangement if you have a documented need for this, and the arrangement does not conflict with the academic requirements.

About individual examination arrangements

Individual examination arrangements are meant to compensate for various difficulties, so that you may, to the greatest extent possible, sit the exam on an equal footing with other students. This can apply to both chronic and temporary cases of illness, injury, or impairment.

Circumstances that may qualify for individual arrangement include:

  • Visual- or hearing impairment
  • Disabilities
  • Reading and writing difficulties
  • Psychosocial difficulties
  • Mental disorders
  • Chronic or acute illness.

Individual advice and guidance

Special arrangements for exams are assessed individually. This means that the arrangement follows the person and the situation, and consideration of academic requirements will always be an important basis for the arrangement.

Examples of arrangements:

  • Extended time*
  • Use of computer
  • Writing with pen and paper
  • Information to examinator about reading- and writing difficulties
  • Speech- and spelling check
  • Other special arrangements
    *See indicative framework for extended time at the bottom of the page.

Required documentation

  • When you apply for special arrangements you must send evidence of your need. Examples of approved documentation could be an attestation from a physician, psychologist or physical therapist.
  • Make sure the documentation gives a time of validity. It cannot be older than 3 months. Exceptions are made for chronic illness.
  • The documentation should include how your difficulties affect the exam and proposals for measures.
  • Do not send sensitive information by e-mail. The documentation can be attached to your online application form, or you may send it by Digipost.

Application deadlines:

15th of September for the fall semester, and 15th of February for the spring semester.

If the student’s need of special arrangements occurred after the application deadline was expired, the NLA University College can grant an exception to the deadline. In such cases: Send the application as soon as possible, and without undue delay, and attach documentation showing that the need arose after the ordinary deadline.

Usefull links (in Norwegian):
Norsk lydbokbibliotek
Psykisk helse - Studier med støtte

*Indicative framework for extended time 

Written school exam/ school exam at home:
- 15 minutes for exams lasting up to 2 hours
- 30 minutes for exams lasting up to 4 hours
- 45 minutes for exams lasting up to 6 hours
- 60 minutes for exams more than 6 hours

Home exam:
 - 60 minutes for home exams 1 day (up to 8 hours)
 - 2 hours for home exams 1 dag (8-24 hours)
 - 4 hours for home exams 2 days (48 hours)
 - 6 hours for home exams 3-5 days (120 timer)
 - 24 hours for home exams 6 days or more