Wireless guest network

NLA University College has its own wireless network for guests – NLA_guest.

Guests will be referred to a self-service portal where they state their name, organisation and mobile number (only a mobile number is required). Once this information has been submitted, the guest receives a text message containing log-in information. An allocated guest network account is active for 12 hours and can be used for up to three devices.

How to connect to the guest network

Prerequisite: you must be at the study location to have access to the service.

The account is valid for 12 hours and can be used for up to three devices. This means you can log in on three different mobile devices.

  1. Find the network and connect to "NLA_guest"
    1. On your mobile device: under Network: find "NLA_guest" on the list. You will find it in the list of networks (Wifi).
    2. Connect your device to "NLA_guest".
  2. Start the browser and open a webpage
    1. If you receive an error message, open a normal webpage (with http://), for example: http://www.bt.no. An error message arises if you open a secure page, https://
  3. The following URL/online address opens up: https://guestportal.uninett.no/
  4. Fill in
    1. Name (optional)
    2. Company/organisation (optional)
    3. Mobile number: enter your mobile number (obligatory)
    4. Tick off: "I accept the terms of use" if you agree with the guidelines for using the service.
    5. Finish off with: Register
  5. You will then be sent a text message containing a password. The price is NOK 2 per text message and this covers your usage.


Have you already received a password in a text message?

  1. Open the webpage in the browser: https://guestportal.uninett.no/
  2. Choose the link: "Already registered for Guest Wireless Access today? Click here"
  3. Log in using your user name (your mobile number) and the password you have been sent. 

The account is valid for 12 hours and can be used on up to three devices.