Everyday support and/or adjustments

About support and adjustments in your everyday studies.

If you require support and/or specific adjustments, please contact your study advisor in advance of the start of term. This will give us time to assess what changes we might need to make, and what support/adjustments we are able to provide for you. The conversation is confidential and non-binding.

If you’re already a student at NLA, we ask you to contact us well ahead of the 15th of September for the fall semester, and before the 15th of February for the spring semester. If the need has occurred after this, we ask you to contact us as soon as you are aware of the need.

Individual guidance

The amount of support/adjustments which is required is assessed individually. This means that the support/adjustment follows that particular person within a specific context. Consideration of academic requirements will always be an important basis of the arrangements.