Exemption from tuition fees

Students holding a citizenship from a country outside EU/EEA/Switzerland can be exempt from the full tuition fees if one of the following conditions is met. In this case the student still has to pay the subsidized study fee and the semester fee to the student welfare organization.

If you think you belong to any of these categories, please contact international@nla.no for more information about the application procedure. We only handle applications from persons who have been accepted as students at NLA University College.

The list is based on regulations on educational support (Forskrift om utdanningsstøtte § 7)

You are exempt from the full tuition fee if you have a permanent residence permit in Norway.

You are exempt from the full tuition fee if you have residence in Norway due to protection (asylum), strong humanitarian considerations or a special connection to Norway.

You are exempt from the full tuition fee if you have a residence permit in Norway as family member of an EU/EEA citizen. The EU/EEA citizen must have grounds for residence in Norway other than studying.

You are exempt from the full tuition fee if you have a residence permit due to family immigration. The person with whom you have been reunited must either be a Norwegian citizen or a foreign national with grounds for residence in Norway other than studying.

Furthermore, you are exempt from the full tuition fee if you have gained a continued residence permit on an independent basis due to the Norwegian immigration act § 53.


You are exempt from the full tuition fee if you are married to a Norwegian citizen. Both you and your spouse must live in Norway.

You are also exempt from the tull tuition fee if you are cohabiting and have children with a Norwegian citizen. Both you and your cohabiting person must live in Norway.

You are exempt from the full tuition fee if you have had continuous full-time work in Norway, you have been residing in Norway and paid tax to Norway for at least 24 months prior to starting your studies. You must have had a residence permit in Norway as an employee during this period.

Your full-time employment must be continuous up until the start of the studies. However, exceptions can be made for stays of up to 1 year in the event of illness or childbirth. Work as an au pair is not regarded as full-time work and will not give grounds for a tuition fee exemption.

You are exempt from the full tuition fee if you have lived in Norway and completed a minimum of 180 ECTS during the past three years. There must be no gap in your studies, neither during the three years of previous education in Norway nor between your previous studies and the start of your studies at NLA University College. Exemptions can be made for stays of up to 1 year in event of illness or childbirth.

During the qualifying period you cannot have received educational support from the Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund (Lånekassen), public educational support from other countries or from any Norwegian public developmental support programmes such as Norad, The Norwegian Programme for Development Research and Education (NUFU), The Norwegian Programme for Capacity Development in Higher Education and Research for Development (NORHED). 

During a transitional period that lasted until 2020, the United Kingdom was to be treated as if it were still a member of the EU/EEA.

If you are a citizen of the United Kingdom, who was entitled to reside in Norway in accordance with the EEA agreement before the end of the transition period (December 31, 2020), you are exempt to pay the full tuition fee. You must have continued to reside in Norway to keep this right. 

If you came to Norway on January 1, 2021, or later, you are not exempt from the full tuition fee.