Teaching at NLA University College in the autumn semester 2021
As much teaching as possible should be carried out on campus in the autumn semester, even though the rules on social distancing and infection prevention restrict the numbers who can attend. Some remote teaching will also take place if the local infection situation makes this necessary.
Guidelines for the autumn semester 2021
Students with a confirmed case of COVID-19 must report this on the dedicated form.
Mandatory teaching
- The Pro-rector for Education resolves that for the autumn semester 2021, the maximum permissible period of absence for mandatory teaching may be waived. The course coordinator will determine academic compensation requirements in the case of absence in excess of the normal attendance requirement. This does not apply to courses governed by national guidelines, for example work placements in the department of teacher education.
- Students with excessive absence due to COVID-19 who fail to participate in the compensation alternative offered, will not have their attendance approved.
- If a student or group of students are unable to participate in mandatory teaching for COVID-19 related reasons, they should be offered a digital alternative. However, students cannot expect this to be as comprehensive as teaching offered on campus.
- In consultation with the head of department, the course coordinator may change to remote teaching only for short periods if the situation so requires.
Non-mandatory teaching
Students who are prevented from attending non-mandatory teaching due to COVID-19 can contact the course coordinator via Canvas to request a suitable alternative. However, students cannot expect this to be as comprehensive as teaching offered on campus.
Reporting absence
Absence due to COVID-19 is reported in the same way as illness, and the application for a suitably adapted alternative is assessed in the same way/by the same body, i.e. the course coordinator via Canvas. Sensitive personal information (for example, state of health) must not be given in this application. Instead, call the course coordinator if you need to inform them about such matters. Students who, due to COVID-19, are unable to attend teaching for a considerable period of time because of their own documented health challenges, can report this on the dedicated form at nla.no/korona. The studies administration will deal with the application and pass on the information to the course coordinator.