Three tenets forcing improvisation for mathematical exploration and co-creation
Jørgen Sjaastad
Bibionidae (Diptera) from mid-Cretaceous Myanmar amber: the genera Protopenthetria Li et al., 2021 and Penthetria Meigen, 1803
John Skartveit, André Nel, Jean-Paul Kundura, Jan Ševčík
Fostering health behaviour change in overweight male football fans through the European Fans in Training (EuroFIT) program: A Self-Determination Theory perspective
Øystein Røynesdal a.o.
Perspectives on Christian Revivals and Societal Change
Truls Liland, John Daniel Andersen & Jan Inge Jenssen
Between Patañjali and Psychology: Acem’s ‘classical, meditative yoga’
Margrethe Løøv
Autonomy support, basic needs satisfaction, and involvement in physical education among Norwegian secondary school students
Amund Langøy, Åge Diseth, Bente Wold, Ellen Haug
The New Age movement
Margrehe Løøv
Student Creativity and Collaboration During Digital Learning: Glocal Theoretical Perspectives.
Svitlana Holovchuk, Linnéa K. Jermstad, and Gunnvi Sæle Jokstad
Colleague Observation in Interdisciplinary Academic Collaboration. Quality and Innovation in Education
Linnéa K. Jermstad, Svitlana Holovchuk, and Gunnvi Sæle Jokstad
Layering and institutional change: framework plan revision in Norwegian early childhood education and care
Anne Homme, Kari Ludvigsen and Hilde Danielsen
The flexibility of family co-ordinators in complex family interventions: building relations over time with families living in sustained poverty
Kjetil G. Lundberg and Hilde Danielsen
Elements of fairy tales and co-construction of meaning
Kristin Aadland-Atkinson
Pathway Analysis of the Dynamics of Teacher Educators’ Professional Digital Competence
Heidi Iren Saure, Marit Helene Lie et al.
Feed Efficiency Estimation from Stochastic Feed Requirement Frontier
Daniel Muluwork Atsbeha
Developing professional digital competence in Norwegian teacher education: a scoping review
Sigrun Lindaas Norhagen, Rune Johan Krumsvik, Fredrik Mørk Røkenes
Youth Ministry as a Third Ecclesial Logic?
Negotiating Experiences of Ambiguity in Youth Ministry on the Intersection between Intentionality and Institutionality
Bård Norheim, Astrid Sandsmark, Linn Sæbø Rystad, Knut Tveitereid
Struggling for relevance: exploring editors’ perceived importance and value of religious education in school
Dag Øivind Østereng
Glocal Theological Education: Teaching and Learning Theology in the Light of Crisis
Bård Norheim and Shantelle Weber (red.)
Uncovering Dark Patterns - Learning Through Serious Gameplay About the Dangers of Sharing Data
Ingvar Tjøstheim, Chris Wales, John A. Waterworth
Leading through service stewardship and suffering: Servant leadership in the life of Hans Nielsen Hauge
Truls Liland
Scientific article: Exploring the relationship between the learning environment and bullying: PLS-SEM evidence from Norwegian higher education
Emmanuel Mensah Kormla Tay and Stephen Zamore
Scientific article: Ćirić-generalized contraction via wt−distance
Hosein Lakzian, Darko Kocev, Vladimir Rakocevic
Scientific anthology: Digitisation, AI and Algorithms in African Journalism and Media Contexts: Practice, Policy and Critical Literacies
Carol Azungi Dralega (ed.)
A scientific article: “We Are Just Supposed to Be an NGO Helping”: A Qualitative Case Study of Health Workers’ and Volunteers’ Perceptions of the Government and Civil Society’s Role in Fighting Jiggers in Bungoma County, Kenya
Åse Mørkve, Jackline Sitienei, Graxziella Van den Bergh
A scientific article: Development of inclusive practice – the art of balancing emotional support and constructive feedback
Kristian Øen, Rune J. Krumsvik og Øystein O. Skaar
A scientific article: Students in Early Childhood Teacher Education and Their First Experience With Problem-Based Learning: A Comparative Study From the Perspective of Students in Kyrgyzstan and Norway
Grete Skjeggestad Meyer, Ingunn Reigstad, Leila Serikova
A scientific article: Developing Dynamic Moral Capacities in Business Ethics Education: Extending the Giving Voice to Values (GVV) Framework
Cathrine Borgen og Magne Supphellen
A scientific article: Redescription of Plecia borussica Meunier, 1907 from Baltic amber (Diptera,
John Skartveit, Uwe Kaulfuss & Alxander Gehler
A scientific article: Revision of the genus Dilophus Meigen, 1803 (Diptera, Bibionidae) from the Afrotropical Ecozone
John Skartveit & Amnon Freidberg
A scientific article: Using Simulations to Help Public Health Students Overcome Language Barriers for Better Health Outcomes
Ursula Småland Goth o.a.
A scientific monograph: A Forceful and Fruitful Verse : Genesis 1:28 in Luther‘s Thought and its Place in the Wittenberg Reformation (1521–1531)
Brandt Klawitter
A scientific article: Blake’s Enoch before the Book of Enoch
Francis Borchardt
A scientific article: Leadership as a Christian practice
Bård Eirik Hallesby Norheim
A scientific article: Rousseau’s Herbarium, or The Art of Living Together
Synne Ytre Arne
A scientific article: When the past meets the present: the oldest known Bibioninae, and the youngest known Cretobibioninae (Diptera, Bibionidae) from mid-Cretaceous Myanmar amber
John Skartveit
A scientific article: How well mental health workers are motivated: A case study from Croatia
Anatoliy Goncharuk, Bojana Knezevic, Bojana Knezevic
A scientific article: Strengthening leadership skills through embodied learning in Early Childhood Teacher Education
Grete Skjeggestad Meyer og Ingunn Reigstad
A scientific article: Inclusion in the heat of the moment: Balancing participation and mastery
Kristian Øen, Rune Johan Krumsvik og Øystein Olav Skaar
A scientific article: Impact of Improper Storage of ChAdOx1-S (AstraZeneca) Vaccine on Its Efficacy and Safety
Marek Mikołajczyk, Roman Lewandowski, Anatoliy Goncharuk
A scientific article: "Vi vet noe om Zanahary som dere ikke vet"
Kristningen av afrikanske gudsbetegnelser som strategisk og etisk spørsmål
Knut Holter
A scientific article: God, the Absolute Wise Man, and the Study of Religion
Clemens Cavallin
A scientific article: Factors influencing the implementation of the EuroFIT lifestyle change program in professional football clubs in Europe: a qualitative study in four European countries
Øystein Røynesdal m.fl.
A scientific article: The symbolic universe of the Temple: A case-study of the fifth-century synagogue at Sepphoris with focus on its mosaic
Johanna Bokedal
A scientific article: Physical Activity and Nutritional Pattern Related to Maturation and Development
Luca Paolo Ardigò m.fl.