3GJ311 Nordic Media
All versions:
3GJ311 (2025—2026)
3GJ311 (2024—2025)
3GJ311 (2023—2024)
3GJ311 (2022—2023)
3GJ311 (2021—2022)
3GJ311 (2020—2021)
3GJ311 (2019—2020)
3GJ311 (2018—2019)
3GJ311 (2017—2018)
Course code: 3GJ311
Course name: Nordic Media
Semester: Spring
Location: Kristiansand
Academic year: 2024–2025
Language: English
Credits: 10 ECTS Credits
Available for course students: No
Relevance within study programme
3GJ311 Nordic Media is an optional course in the MA Programme in Global Journalism at NLA University College and takes place in the second semester of the programme.
Learning outcomes descriptors
The student:
- is familiar with past and present developments of the journalistic media in the Nordic countries
- has knowledge of various forms of government subsidy for the Nordic media
- is able to explain a Nordic approach to public service media
The student:
- can assess the homogeneity and heterogeneity of the Nordic media system and discuss how it relates to other media systems
- can discuss how media policy in the Nordic countries affects journalistic behaviour
- can identify and discuss strengths and weaknesses of the Nordic media system
General competence
The student:
- is able to assess the relationship between a regional media system, media structure and journalistic behaviour
3GJ311 Nordic Media studies the media’s role and behaviour within the Nordic societies (Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Iceland). The course examines political and economic conditions for the journalistic media with a view on the peculiarities of Nordic media policy where for example state subsidy plays a key role. The course builds on the material covered in GJ 301 Journalism, Media and Globalization and places the Nordic media in an international context. The course pays particular attention to public service broadcasting (public service media), which is a profound component of the Nordic media model. The course also offers media visits to relevant media organizations and includes an optional study trip to Århus, Denmark.
Teaching and learning methods
The course has an introductory week with intensive teaching from Monday to Friday. The remaining six weeks of the course have weekly lectures. Online connection is available for the weekly lectures, but not for the introductory week. Times for media visits will be announced when the course begins.
250-300 hours.
Final assessment
The assessment of 3GJ311 comprises two parts:
- A 4000 word written assignment/paper (51% of the final grade)
- A 4 hour written exam (49% of the final grade)
Grading, examination
Both parts are individual assignments and are assessed according to the standard A-F grading system. One final grade is given for the course.
Permitted aids under examination
1. Written assignemnet/paper: All
2. 4 hour written exam: None
Assessment language
English or a Nordic language
Course evaluation
The course is evaluated according to NLA's quality assurance system. Students are asked to evaluate the course orally while it is being taught and to fill in a written course evaluation form when the course is completed.
Available as Single Course
Digital reading list
Follow this link for reading list and academic resources.