IKF225 Intercultural Approaches to Human Rights

All versions:
IKF225 (2024—2025)
IKF225 (2023—2024)
IKF225 (2022—2023)
IKF225 (2021—2022)

Course code: IKF225

Course name: Intercultural Approaches to Human Rights

Semester: Spring

Location: Bergen

Academic year: 2024–2025

Language: English

Credits: 10 ECTS Credits

Available for course students: Yes

Application: Apply at our local applicationpage

Required prerequisite knowledge

Higher Education Entrance Qualification and in addition 60 ECTS in social science, humanities, journalism, social studies or teacher education.

Recommended prerequisite knowledge

60 ECTS in intercultural studies or similar is recommended.

Relevance within study programme

Optional course in the Intercultural Studies bachelor program.

Learning outcomes descriptors

On completion of the course, the candidate should have achieved the following learning outcomes: 


The student:

  • has knowledge about the historical and cultural context of United Nations´ Universal Declaration of Human Rights
  • has knowledge about the scientific discussion on the universal validity of the declaration
  • has knowledge about the scientific discussion on key political and cultural challenges and human rights violations in different cultural contexts, and can update his/her knowledge on human rights violations and human rights work
  • has acquaintance with research on characteristics of modern human trafficking and slavery
  • is aware of research on various forms of human rights work and how human rights violations can be sanctioned


The student:

  • can discuss and disseminate knowledge about the UN Declaration of Human Rights and the question of the universal validity of the Declaration
  • can find, assess, and refer to information and academic literature, and present this to shed light on issues related to political and cultural challenges and human rights violations in different cultural contexts.
  • can identify and discuss the characteristics of modern human trafficking and slavery
  • can analyse human rights situation in selected country cases
  • can apply his/her knowledge of human rights work, human rights bodies and various forms of human rights violations to assess various forms of work strategies to promote human rights

General competence

The student:

  • can apply knowledge and concepts adequately to discuss gaps between human rights ideals and real world challenges
  • can critically discuss what human rights consist of, and the concept of universality
  • can analyse human rights violations in selected countries
  • can apply knowledge about human rights and discuss strengths and weaknesses of human rights

Teaching and learning methods

Lectures and seminars including group discussions and exercises.


Ap. 300 hours.

Coursework requirements

- Compulsory attendance at classes (minimum 80% attendance)

Final assessment

5 days individual home examination, ca 4000 words (+/- 15%).

Grading, examination

Grades are given on a scale from A to E for a pass grade and F for a fail grade.

Permitted aids under examination


Assessment language

English or any Scandinavian languages.


No work placement.

Credit reductions

10 ECTS against IKF 223 Menneskerettigheter.

10 ECTS against IKF215 Menneskerettigheter i interkulturelt perspektiv

Course evaluation

A course evaluation will be carried out in line with NLA’s quality system.

Available as Single Course


Digital reading list

Follow this link for reading list and academic resources.