P218E Comparative and Global Education
All versions:
P218E (2025—2026)
P218E (2024—2025)
Course code: P218E
Course name: Comparative and Global Education
Semester: Autumn
Location: Bergen
Academic year: 2025–2026
Language: English
Credits: 15 ECTS Credits
Available for course students: Yes
Application: Apply at our local applicationpage
Required prerequisite knowledge
Completed P101-104, or completed one year’s study in Intercultural Studies, or equivalent educational qualifications approved by NLA University College.
Relevance within study programme
Elective course in Bachelor of Education.
Elective course in Bachelor of Spesial Needs Educalion.
Elective course in Bachelor in Intercultural Competence.
The aim of the course is to introduce students to theory and practice in the field of comparative and global education, with a particular focus on the role of education in promoting democracy, social justice, and peace.
The course is practice-oriented and value-based, and emphasizes the philosophical and ethical question embedded in education policy and planning in contexts of extreme poverty, injustice, and conflict.
Learning outcomes descriptors
The student
- has knowledge of key theories, concepts, and central themes in comparative global education;
- has knowledge of conventions and other international documents which outline education as a human right;
- has broad knowledge of key barriers to learning in developing countries, including (but not limited to) gender, ethnicity, mother tongue, and refugee status;
- has knowledge of the connection between education and democracy, social justice, and peace.
The student
- can apply theories of comparative education to the study of pedagogy and education in selected contexts;
- can elaborate on the consequences of conceptualizing education as a human right;
- can assess the impact of social inequalities on access to education;
- can refer to research-based literature, both in oral and written work;
- can use relevant subject terminology, both in oral and written work.
General competence
The student
- has insight into relevant academic issues related to learning and education in different societies;
- can reflect on the connections between access to learning and opportunities for democracy, social justice, and peacebuilding;
- can convey core issues and challenges within the field of comparative and global education, both in written and oral format;
- can critically reflect on and discuss issues in comparative and global education, both in oral and written work.
This course offers a comparative exploration of education and learning in different contexts around the world, with a particular focus on the role of education in building and strengthening democracy, ensuring equal access to decision-making power in society, and enabling people to improve their living conditions.
Central themes in this course are:
- Theories and models of comparative education;
- Global governance of education;
- Education as a Human Right;
- Barriers to equitable quality Education for All (EFA);
- Refugee education;
- Gender and education;
- Education for development, democracy, and social justice.
Teaching and learning methods
Lectures and discussion-based seminars.
450 hours
Coursework requirements
The following coursework must be completed and approved by stated deadlines to enable the student to sit the course examination:
- Compulsory attendance: 50% attendance
- Oral group presentation and discussion on a chosen topic
If a student receives ‘Not Approved’ on the oral group presentation, they will be given one opportunity to complete an alternative assignment.
Grading, coursework requirements
Approved / Not Approved
Final assessment
6-hour written school examination.
Grading, examination
ECTS grading scale from A to F, in which E or better is necessary in order to pass
Permitted aids under examination
Assessment language
Credit reductions
10 ECTS credits for IKF217 Education in a global comparative perspective
Course evaluation
The course is evaluated according to the quality system for NLA University College.
Available as Single Course