P241E Educating Vulnerable and Traumatized Children
All versions:
P241E (2025—2026)
P241E (2024—2025)
Course code: P241E
Course name: Educating Vulnerable and Traumatized Children
Semester: Autumn
Location: Bergen
Academic year: 2025–2026
Language: English
Credits: 15 ECTS Credits
Available for course students: Yes
Application: Apply at our local applicationpage
Required prerequisite knowledge
Completed one year’s study in Pedagogy/Education Studies, or completed one year’s study in Intercultural Studies, or equivalent educational qualifications approved by NLA University College.
Relevance within study programme
Elective course in:
- Bachelor of Arts in Education Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Education Studies. The Systematic Study of Special Education and Intercultural Education
- Bachelor in Special Needs Education
The course aims to introduce students to the theory and practice of pedagogy with a specific focus on vulnerable, at-risk and traumatised children.
The course focuses on values and fundamental pedagogical questions; international and national policy frameworks regarding children's rights. The course also considers the child's best interests within these frameworks. It explores how these concepts intersect with vulnerabilities and trauma in conflict and other at-risk situations. The aim is to better understand and support children facing such challenges.
Learning outcomes descriptors
The student
- has knowledge of fundamental theories, concepts and central themes in pedagogy/education, vulnerability, and trauma
- has knowledge of the international convention on the best interest of the child
- has knowledge of the connection between education, vulnerability trauma and the best interest of the child
- has knowledge on how the pedagogical relation can help encounter vulnerable and traumatised children
The student
- can apply theories of vulnerability and trauma to the study of education
- can apply knowledge of the ideology of the child's best interest in the contexts of trauma and vulnerability
- can assess the impact of trauma and vulnerability on children at risk
- can use relevant subject terminologies both in oral and written work
- can refer to and use research-based literature and practical knowledge in oral and written work
General competence
The student
- has insight into relevant academic and ethical issues related to the intersection between vulnerability, trauma and education
- can exchange, reflect and critically discuss issues in educating vulnerable and traumatised children orally and in writing
- can reflect on the difference between offering psycho-social help to vulnerable and traumatised children and educating them
- Psychosocial Theoretical Perspectives on Vulnerability and Trauma.
- Safeguarding Children's Best Interests: Examining Vulnerability through the Lens of the International Convention on the Rights of the Child, focusing on Norway.
- Trauma informed pedagogy for Refugee and Asylum-Seeking Children
- Navigating Vulnerability in the Age of Social Media: Pedagogical Strategies and Responses.
- The discourse of Fear: Balancing Children's Rights with the Vulnerability of Asylum-Seeking and Refugee Youth.
- The Significance of Pedagogical Relationships for Children Facing Vulnerabilities.
Teaching and learning methods
Lectures and discussion-based seminars
450 hours
Coursework requirements
The following coursework must be completed and approved before the student can sit for the course examination:
- Compulsory attendance - 50% attendance
- Oral group presentation and discussion on a chosen topic
If a student receives ‘Not Approved’ on the oral group presentation, they will be given one opportunity to complete an alternative assignment.
Grading, coursework requirements
Approved / Not Approved.
Final assessment
6-hour school examination
Grading, examination
The final assessment/examination will be graded according to the ECTS grading scale from A to F, in which E or better is necessary in order to pass.
Permitted aids under examination
Assessment language
- English
- Norsk
- The use of other languages may be applied for
Course evaluation
The course is evaluated according to the quality system for NLA University College.
Available as Single Course