TAM302 Encountering God through Scripture: Hermeneutical Reflections and Exegetical Explorations

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TAM302 (2021—2022)

Emnekode: TAM302

Emnenavn: Encountering God through Scripture: Hermeneutical Reflections and Exegetical Explorations

Undervisningssemester: Høst

Steder: Bergen

Studieår: 2021–2022

Undervisningsspråk: Norsk

Studiepoeng: 15 poeng

Enkeltemne: Nei

Litteratur og faglige ressurser

Subject to changes

1100 pages:

Green, Joel B. (ed.) Hearing the New Testament : strategies for interpretation. 2nd ed. Grand Rapids, Mich: Eerdmans, 2010.

Green, Joel B. Seized by truth : reading the Bible as Scripture. Nashville, Tenn: Abingdon Press, 2007.

Hall, Christopher A. Reading scripture with the church fathers. Downers Grove, Ill: InterVarsity Press, 1998.

George, Timothy. Reading scripture with the reformers. Downers Grove, Ill: IVP Academic, 2011.

Casey, Michael. Sacred reading : the ancient art of Lectio divina. Liguori, Mo: Liguori/Triumph, 1996.

Gordon, Joseph K.. Divine Scripture in Human Understanding: A Systematic Theology of the Christian Bible (Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2019).



Biblical texts in connected liturgically to Christmas, Easter, and Pentecost

Aditional reading:

Luther, Martin. Luther's works : 26-27 26 : Lectures on Galatians :1535 Chapters 1-4. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1963.

Clément, Olivier. The roots of Christian mysticism : text and commentary, Sources. Hyde Park, N.Y: New City Press, 1994.